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Школьный сценарий. Красная Шапочка.

Little Red Riding Hood


Girl:  Hello! I'm Little Red Riding Hood. And this is my Mum.

Mum: Go to your Granny. Give her the cake and the pot of


Girl:   All right, Mum. Goodbye!

Mum: Goodbye!

Wolf: Hello, little girl! What's your name?

Girl:   Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Where are you going?
Girl:   To my Granny.

Wolf: Where does she live?
Girl:   In a little house near the forest.

Wolf: Oh, I see. Goodbye!

Girl:   Goodbye!

Wolf:  Knock-knock!

Granny: Who's there?

Wolf:   It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!

Granny: Come in, please. …Oh, a wolf! Help, help!

Wolf: Oh, I'm still hungry. I'll wait for the girl.

Girl:   Knock-knock!

Wolf: Who's there?

Girl:   It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!

Wolf: Come in, please.

Girl:   I've got a cake and a pot of butter for you.

Wolf: Thank you. Come nearer, please.

Girl:   Why have you got such big eyes, Granny?
Wolf: To see you better.

Girl:   Why have you got such big ears, Granny?
Wolf: To hear you better.

Girl:   Why have you got such big teeth, Granny?
Wolf: To eat you!

Girl:   Help, help!

Man 1: Stop! Hands up!

Man 2: Catch the wolf!

Granny: Thank you!

Girl:     Thank you very much!

Men:   Not at all!

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: obrazovkarpova (11.12.2016)
Просмотров: 77 | Теги: сказки, школа, сценарий | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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